Description of Seeking Justice In The Galaxy
Seeking Justice In The Galaxy is an epic game tale set in the aftermath of a cataclysmic world war in 2070, which left Earth ravaged and uninhabitable. Survivors ventured into space, forming a peaceful union on habitable planets. However, after nearly a century of tranquility, a coalition of three planets called the "Atlantic League," shattered the peace. They trained formidable military forces and unleashed chaos, enslaving planets and looting resources.
One planet, Resistentia, refused to surrender and fought back fiercely, managing to repel the invaders. Determined to prevent future attacks, Resistentia's leaders planned a daring commando operation. They dispatched their best soldier, Darius, on a covert mission to neutralize strategic targets across the three hostile planets. Darius, aboard a stealth ship, embarks on a high-stakes journey to restore peace and justice in the galaxy.
Action 3D Shooting HTML5 WebGL